GSO Test

A Confident, Creative Community


Our admissions process for a Reception place or Year 1 to Year 6 is done through Wandsworth Borough Council. Our school office manages all admissions to our very popular nursery (pre-school).

Please contact our school office to arrange a school tour to see our creative, confident community in action!

T | 020 8672 6258

E | 

Do I apply for a nursery place or a primary place?



Children born between: Apply by Start date Apply by Start date
1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 05 Feb 2024 Sept 2024 15 Jan 2025 Sept 2025
1 September 2021 and 31 August 2022 Feb 2025 Sept 2025 Jan 2026 Sept 2026

Reception Applications

Fircroft is a non-selective community school. All admissions are through Wandsworth Council.  

Lots of useful information about how the admissions system works can be viewed on the council's website at:

Choose a Wandsworth Primary School - Sept 2025

If you live outside of Wandsworth, you should apply through your home borough. For example, if you live in Merton and you want to apply to Fircroft (which is in Wandsworth) apply through Merton eAdmissions.

The following criteria are used by Wandsworth Borough Council when making decisions about admissions for a place in one of our Reception classes:

  1. Children classified as looked after and those who ceased to be children looked after because they were adopted, or because they became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order
  2. Children with a professionally supported exceptional medical need or exceptional social need for a place at a particular school, as decided by the Director of Education and Social Services
  3. Brothers and sisters of children on the roll of the school on the date of admission
  4. Children in order of straight line distance from home to school as measured by Wandsworth Council’s Geographical Information System

Please note that if your child attends our nursery, they will not automatically be offered a place in our reception. You must apply and be considered along with all other reception applications.


Primary School Admission Appeals Timetable for September 2025 entry

Appeals for admission to Reception for Wandsworth primary schools for September 2025 will be heard according to the following timetable:



National Offer Day

16th April 2025

Date by which an appeal must be submitted

16th May 2025

Dates when appeals will be heard

All appeals received by 16 May 2025 will be heard in the period between 23 June to 18 July 2025

Dates when appellants will be sent notification of their appeal hearing

10 school days in advance of the hearing

Date by which the Clerk sends appeal papers to the parents, the panel and the admission authority.

7 working days before the appeal hearing

Deadline for appellants to submit additional evidence

8am, 7 working days before the appeal hearing

Decision letters sent to the Appellants. 

Within 5 school days of the appeal hearing (whenever possible)

Appeals lodged after 16 May 2025 will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of the appeal being received, whichever is the later date. 

This information together with secondary school appeals information can be found on the Wandsworth Council Website using the link below: