How you can Help
Meeting Parents - Making Friends - Volunteering - Getting more Insight into School Life
There are a variety of ways to get involved with the school community and to help Friends of Fircroft PTA (FOFPTA) fundraise for the school.
Come along to events
We hold a variety of events at the school across the academic year. It’s a lovely way to meet and get to know other members of the 'Fircroft Family'. We love it when you are able to attend events and the children love it too (being at school, out of hours without the normal teaching format is childishly exciting after all!).
Challenging times, currently mean our events in their normal format are on hold, but we have organised a variety of virtual events to help us connect and will continue to do so until we can all gather as normal!
We look forward to welcoming you at the next event - albeit virtually for the time being!
Volunteers are needed for all events - many hands make light work! Class Reps will always ask for volunteers when planning an event; be it for help with organisation or adding your name to the event rota.
We’re always happy to welcome more Class Reps and Committee Members. The more the merrier...
We are also eager to tap into your expertise, experiences and skills; for example, if you are a photographer or graphic designer, or enjoy gardening, DIY and painting and would be happy to lend your hands to give back at one of our Community Days or lead a club or in-school sessions. Or perhaps you could come and speak to the children about your job, travels or an interest.
Volunteering is the primary way in which FOFPTA needs your help, even for just an hour or so at our school fairs. Without our Valued Volunteers, there would be no FOFPTA!
Share your ideas
If you and/or your children have any ideas regarding future fundraising events and initiatives we would love to hear from you. Please share them with your Class Rep or contact us on to let us know!
We are always seeking sponsors to support our fundraising. Perhaps you have a business or contacts that we can partner with in some way, or you're looking to move home via an estate agency that could help.
Our main sponsors normally provide a fixed sum per address that has a sponsorship board, so we will always reach out to ask if you can have a board outside your home.
Friends of Fircroft PTA is a registered charity. There are many employers that recognise the contributions their employees make to charities by “match funding” the amounts they raise for charity. This could mean matching the amount raised at an event, or your class stall, or providing a one-off or regular donation. It's a quick and easy way to raise more money for the school, further information can be found here.
Please reach out to your employers to ask if they offer a match funding or similar scheme, not all companies advertise the fact they do! Please email our FOFPTA Treasurer if you can help or would like to know more.
Voluntary Donations
If you would be happy to make a one-off or regular donation, you can do so here - Fircroft PTA Donations Please do get in touch with our FOFPTA Treasurer should you have any questions.
We also welcome donations of new items that can be used for prizes at our events and fairs.
Anything you are able to provide is wholeheartedly and gratefully received.
Click here to donate now
Gift Aid
We are registered for Gift Aid which means if you are a UK taxpayer we can reclaim 25% of the value of donations you make, provided a Gift Aid Declaration is made. A Gift Aid Declaration confirms you are a UK Taxpayer and that you have paid sufficient tax in that given tax year.
BuyYour School Lottery Tickets
- Your School Lottery is an externally run, weekly lottery that raises money for schools throughout the UK. Tickets for the lottery cost £1 per week, and there are 2 draws every Saturday, one for a £25,000 jackpot and one for a guaranteed prize winner for each school. From every £1 ticket sold, 40p goes to the school. In 2019/20 through tickets the parents at Fircroft bought, we earned over £1,600! You can learn more and buy tickets here at our dedicated school page.
Ways to earn donations when you shop:
We are registered with the following companies so that when you spend we receive donations from them directly.
- EasyFundraising is a website that donates a percentage of your online spend, provided you access the online shop via EasyFundraising rather than your usual search engine. You can set up a donation reminder on your desktop. There is NO cost to you other than the cost of your purchase. Please also consider asking colleagues, friends and family to help in this way too.
Follow these 3 easy steps:
- Join: Head to EasyFundraising, via this £5 bonus referral link and sign up.
- Shop: There are nearly 3,000 retailers on board, so pick the one you want and start shopping
- Raise: After you’ve made your purchase, the retailer will make a donation to Fircroft Primary School automatically at no extra cost to you
Amazon Smile
- You shop. Amazon gives. Amazon donates 0.5% of the net purchase price of eligible purchases to the charitable organisation of your choice. AmazonSmile is the same as - Same products and prices and using your existing Amazon account. All you need to do is visit, and select Friends of Fircroft PTA as your chosen charity (via the orange “supporting” button). Once done, this is saved to your account, thereafter just continue to shop via instead. (Please note that the AmazonSmile app is only available on android devices at this time). Please let friends and family know too.
School Uniform
- My Clothing Limited provides our embroidered school uniform and more. With over 30 years of expertise, they support our school by delivering an easy to order service and a 5% cash donation to our school for every embroidered item you purchase
Labelling Uniform
- It is a requirement for children’s school uniforms to be labelled with their names and we all want to avoid missing items!
By purchasing your child’s name labels via Stikins they provide us with a 30% commission. Go to and quote the school reference number 7303 when placing your order. No sewing or ironing required, simply sign up and get stikin'!
- Personalised name stamps. When you order the Deluxe Bundle, and add our code SW17 7PP, you will receive a free White Fabric Pen worth £4.99 and we receive a 15% commission. To ensure your whole purchase qualifies for commission please access the website by using this affiliate link
The Good Food Fund - Abel & Cole
- Have you heard the word about The Good Food Fund from Abel & Cole, the organic veg box company? Watch their video here. They often attend our events and are on hand to answer any questions you may have. They help us raise money for our school when you sign up to receive an Abel & Cole box:
- For your first delivery, we receive £20, and you receive their latest cookbook
- For your third, we receive £5
- For your fifth, we receive £10
All you need to do is:
- Visit, and sign up as a customer
- Under ‘how did you hear about us?’ select ‘Good Food Fund’
- In the field that pops up put ‘Fircroft Primary’
If you’re already a customer then please pass this onto your neighbours, friends and family in case they would like to sign up and support us whilst doing so.
Toucan Box
- Every new sign up for a craft box from Toucan Box can earn a £5 donation. Either quote our code "fircroftschool" or access via this referral link
Parent Power from Octopus Energy
-Fircroft families and friends can switch to cheap, 100% renewable energy from Octopus Energy. Octopus Energy will credit your account with £50 and also donate £50 back to our school for every home that makes the switch. So not only are we helping make sure our community is powered with clean, green sustainable energy – we’re also investing directly in our children’s future. You can read more here.
Eagle Eye Oven Cleaning
- Eagle Eye Oven Cleaning will donate £5 if you book an oven clean with them, simply mention Fircroft when you contact them and also help us keep track by emailing us on