GSO Test

A Confident, Creative Community


Welcome to our Fircroft Primary School Parent, Carers, Friends and Teachers Association, officially - Friends of Fircroft PTA (FOFPTA). We are a registered charity, number 1099047.

We have 2 key roles:

  1. To raise valuable and increasingly much-needed funds to support the education of all children at Fircroft Primary School
  2. To encourage and facilitate social activity between parents and carers, their children and the staff at Fircroft

We are proud to say that we have a very active and all-inclusive Parent Teacher Association (PTA) at Fircroft which aims to further strengthen the positive relationship between the staff, the parents/ carers/ grandparents and the children, collectively and affectionately referred to as ‘The Fircroft Family’.

Every parent/carer of a child/ren or teacher/staff member at Fircroft; you are automatically members of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA). You don't have to be invited to join in – we warmly welcome everyone and ask that you give a little of your time. We also very much value the skills, passion and experience of the whole of our school community, and welcome ideas and support in every way. A true sense of community is at the heart of all we do and we always work in close conjunction with the senior leadership team and the headteacher.

The PTA coordinates a number of (fundraising and non-fundraising, for all ages) events throughout the year starting with a picnic for the new children and parents, before they even start in their Reception or new class in September, so that there are a few familiar faces on their first day at school and closing the year with the ever popular Summer Fair. We have many events peppered throughout the school calendar - some for the whole family some for the children only and some for the grown ups only - including events such as our International Food Evening, Quiz Night, Family Bingo, Wine Tasting Evening, Family Ping Pong, Ceilidh/ Burns Night, DJ nights, The Summer Fair, The Christmas Fair,  Childrens’ School Discos, Coffee Mornings, Community Days and regular Cake, Ice Lolly (summertime only), Food and New/ Nearly New Uniform Sales.  We rely heavily on volunteers and donations to help run all our events we invite EVERYBODY to get involved.

All of our Fundraising Events benefit all the children at Fircroft. The Friends of Fircroft PTA (FOFPTA) supports the school throughout the academic year in a wide variety of ways, such as:

  • The renovation of all 3 Playgrounds at the school in Summer 2017, at a cost of £37,000
  • The full renovation of the School Library in Spring 2019, at a cost of £17,000
  • Subsidising up to 30% of the cost of residentials and the entertainment of those that do not to go on these trips in years 3 & 6
  • Funding Sports Team Uniforms, Hi-Vis bibs for school trips & Playground Leaders Bibs - championing kindness and friendly play at playtimes
  • School Equipment including the subsidy of Ping Pong Tables and equipment, the play equipment in the playgrounds
  • Whole school Performing Arts events 
  • Pledge for each class to receive £200 (following a successful bid by the class teacher; these are discussed and voted on at PTA meetings)

In the academic year 2020/2021 we pledged to replace outdated Interactive Screens in all the classrooms. By February 2020 we funded the replacement of 6 screens across the school with an aim of completing this initiative by 2022. Following fundraising success, despite the restrictions of Lockdown during the COVID-19 crisis, in September 2020, we were able to commit to funding a further 6 screens, for installation ASAP in autumn 2020.

We are committed to raising funds so that the school can provide opportunities which would otherwise not be possible for our children, and for which school budgets do not stretch.

Please click on the tabs to find more information on how you can get involved, what events are in the calendar, who’s who, how you can stay informed and what’s happening in our fundraising.

Thank you for your continued support! We could not achieve anything without you!