Remote Education Provision
fircroft remote education provision information for parents.pdf
Getting started with remote education
Pupils in Y1 – Y6 have been given their user names and passwords for G Suite for Education. These are stuck in the front of their reading record books.
Parents of pupils in Nursery and Reception have received information regarding Tapestry and how to access this platform. Pupils in Nursery and Reception should click the links on their weekly timetables to join the live Google Meets.
Completing and submitting learning
You should check the platform regularly to see if any new home learning has been set for your child. Some pieces of learning will have a deadline for handing in; children should be encouraged to complete the learning by the given dates in order for feedback to be most useful.
Best practice for parents and carers to support your child when remote learning
We’ve compiled these guidelines to help parents and carers be good partners in education:
- Be mindful that the online classroom is very similar to a real classroom and not the appropriate time to engage or add comments during the teachers’ instructional time with the class
- Remember that school is a safe space for pupils to demonstrate their understanding so teachers are able to identify areas of weakness in order to differentiate teaching to strengthen pupils' skills
- Do not interrupt, engage, or interact with the teacher during live instruction. Schedule an appointment to talk to the teacher
- Recording sessions without permission is not allowed
- Assist your child with their work as needed, but do not complete or supply answers.
- Treat teachers with respect, in email, or any other communication
When sending an email to teachers and school staff:
- Use a descriptive subject line
- Be clear about the issue you'd like addressed and desired outcome
- Include your child's full name and your name and contact information
- Be aware that teachers may only see your email during working hours so please do not expect an immediate response
Technical support
If you require further technical support, then please follow the user guides which are available on our website. Any other Google Classroom or Tapestry questions should be directed (in the first instance) to the class teacher who will be happy to help.
Acceptable use policy
Computing including the internet, e-mail and mobile technologies is an essential part of learning in our school. As part of the computing curriculum, all pupils take part in lessons about online safety. During these lessons, pupils have discussed our school user agreement and agreed to follow it. Copies of the Pupil User Agreements can be found below..
It is important to note that this agreement extends to the use of digital technologies at home; and that you as the parent/carer agree to monitor and be responsible for ensuring safe usage of all digital technologies, including both school provided and personal addresses, devices and logins. If you have any concerns, please contact your child’s class teacher.