GSO Test

A Confident, Creative Community

Safer Internet Day

Welcome to our dedicated page for Safer Internet Day 2022.

On Tuesday 8th February, we joined thousands of schools by holding discussions in class with the children around keeping themselves and their friends safe when online.

This year, the focus of the day was 'All Fun & Games: Exploring Respect and Relationships Online'. This is all about children playing games online and on electronic devices.  We had constructive, supportive discussions in each class, talking about what advice we might give our friends, how to deal with situations that come up when gaming and who our trusted adults are.

We hope the resources, conversation starters and videos below are of use when you are supporting your children with their online behaviour.

Safer Internet Day 2022 Campaign Launch



Safer Internet Day 2022 - Primary Top Tips



Safer Internet Day 2022 -  Conversation Starters


 Resources for Parents and Carers

1. Learn more and get involved - Safer Internet Day 2022.pdf

2. Conversation Starters

3. Family Activities

4. Family Online Safety Plan

5. Organisations and Resources for Parents and Carers