Useful links for families
Here are a selection of links; we hope you find them useful.
Ofsted ParentView
We invite parents to leave feedback about Fircroft on Ofsted's Parent View website.
Supporting Mental Health at Fircroft
The situation in Ukraine is extremely worrying and difficult to see. We recognise that some members of our community will be directly affected. The links below contain some background reading resources that we hope will help you to think about how adults can support children with what they are seeing and feeling.
We should not hide from children what is happening in Ukraine (Schools Week/Children's Commissioner)
How to cope with traumatic news - an illustrated guide (ABC News, Australia)
Talking with Children About War and Violence in the World (Family Education, US)
Child Safety Week 3rd-9th June
A Warmer Welcome
As part of the Council’s Community Spaces programme, they have re-launched their Warmer Welcome offer, opening up family hubs and children’s centres to ensure families have a safe, warm space to spend time in, connect with others, as well as access free, nutritious food.
There are community spaces across the borough run by other departments and partners which are open to all residents. Details of their offer and opening hours can be found here, and will be updated continuously over the next few months as we work with our VCS partners to enhance our offer for families.
Wandsworth Information, Advice and Support Service (WIASS)
Wandsworth Information, Advice and Support Service (WIASS) was formerly Wandsworth Parent Partnership Service. They provide confidential, impartial, information, advice and support to parents/carers, children and young people on special educational needs and disability (SEND). A young person is an individual over compulsory school age (16) and under 25.
Family Information Service
Wandsworth Council’s Family Information Service provides free information and guidance on childcare, education, family support and activities for children and young people aged 0-19 years (up to 25 for young people with special needs or disabilities).
Where to find childcare and children’s centres.
The BBC website offers parents a wide range of information to further help them support their children in a number of different ways.
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) is a national agency, which works across the entire UK tackling child sex abuse and providing information for parents and young people. Their advice on internet safety is of particular interest.
Words for Life
This website offers help and practical support for you and your family to get the most from reading.
Tales of the Road
This website offers road safety advice for parents who are allowing their children to walk to school independently.
Free cycling training courses for adults and children
Cycling training courses are available, free of charge, to children and adults who live, work, or study in Wandsworth. Courses can be tailored for special needs.
Hearing Support Service
The Wandsworth Hearing Support Service (WHSS) provides help and support for deaf children, young people and their families in Wandsworth from birth to 25 years of age.
The School Run
A good resource for parents, "TheSchoolRun" gives you all the tools you need to understand what and how your child is learning at primary school.
Healthy lunch box ideas: Change for Life
The Change For Life website has a great deal of useful information. We have been told by parents that this section in particular is full of helpful ideas for healthy lunches.
Useful Documents
- Meal Ideas
- Primary School Resource
- SEND Weblinks for Home Learning
- Space to Talk for Parents
- Top Tips for Keeping Children Active while inside
- Ways to help with Times Tables
- WSCP leaflet to parents regarding Sports Clubs
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